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OM 6.5 – User ManualScore Objects > Score Editors > Score Display
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Score Display

Displaying Information

Pop Up Menus
The note editor menus and controls.
The note editor menus and controls.Zoom

Pop up menus are mainly used for modifying the score displaying and player options :

  • Font size – adjust the font size to your convenience.

    Use the Zoom to adjust the horizontal spacing of notes.

  • Staff  – number of staves and G or F clefs.

  • Approx  – division of the octave, from the tone to the 1/16th tone.

Each scale has an adapted accidentals notation system.

The 1/6 tone notation system.
The 1/6 tone notation system.
Microintervals Notation
Editor Control Menu

The Editor Control pop up menu allows to select and visualize each of the parametric values attached to an object.

  • To display the corresponding value of an object, pick one option.

    The midic parameter is selected by default, and the note is displayed permanently. This value can now be modified.

Staves Configuration

Non Polyphonic Objects

The staves configuration of notes , chords , chord-seqs and voices can be modified via a simple selection in the Staff pop up menu.

Polyphonic Objects

The staves configuration of polys and multi-seqs can be modified to the whole object's scale, or to selected items scale.

  • To apply a configuration to a specific item

    1. click on the clef of a staff

    2. select a configuration in the Staff pop up menu.

  • To apply a configuration to each element

    1. don't select any staff

    2. choose a configuration in the menu.

Editors Displaying Parameters
Multipe Staves Configurations in Polyphonic Objects

All score objects, but note objects, offer multiple staves configurations – GG, FF, GGFF etc. –.

These configurations do no allow single staff manipulation : staves form groups which cannot be splitted for edition purposes .


Midi Channel

To change the note colour according to its midi channel, Press c

Note Colour

To change the colour of a note :

  1. press SHIFT + c

  2. select a colour in the Colour Chooser.

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