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OM 6.5 – User ManualScore Objects > Score Players
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Score Players

OM mainly relies on the MidiShare libray for MIDI playback and rendering of score objects.

It is possible, however, to install additional players and use them to play the core objects.

Default MIDI Playback

In order to change the default player of an object, select use the Player item in the box contextual menu, or the player selection menu (if any) in the corresponding editor.

The MicroPlayer is the only available alternative player to date.

Selecting the MicroPlayer in the score editors.
Selecting the MicroPlayer in the score editors.
The MicroPlayer

MicroPlayer is an independent application which must be installed separately. It is distributed in the IRCAM forumnet webpage and is available on MacOSX only.

At selecting the MicroPlayer for the first time in OM, the application will take a while in starting up and initializing. It can then be put to the background.

The MicroPlayer interface.
The MicroPlayer interface.Zoom

MicroPlayer communicates with OM via OSC.

The MIDI/OSC tab in the OpenMusic Preferences allows to set the path to the application and the OSC ports to use for communication (default OM preferences should be compatible wirth the default MicroPlayer ports).

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