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OM 6.5 – User ManualThe OM Environment > Workspace > The Workspace Window
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The Workspace Window

Visual programming in OM generally starts browsing the workspace window, in or der to create and/or select programming items.

Adding and Deleting Components in the Workspace Window

Adding Components

Different type of program representations can be used in OM :

  • patches[1] (standard visual programs)
  • maquettes[2] ("temporal" visual programs)
  • lisp functions (textual programs)

They can be added in the workspace as well as in the storage folders of the workspace.

To add an item in the workspace or in an open folder, use the File or contextual menu – Ctrl / right click :

  • New Patch – Maquette - Lisp Function – Folder

You can also use the following shortcuts :

  • Patch : Cmd +1
  • Maquette : Cmd +2
  • Folder : Cmd + n
Get Into Visual Programming
Using Lisp Functions

The workspace window displays the items stored in the Elements sub folder of the Workspace folder.

Clearing or Deleting Items

To delete an item, select it and choose :

  • clear : Edit / Clear
  • cut : Edit / Cut or Cmd + x

Clearing an item deletes it forever. It may be safer to choose the Cut command, which possibly allows to paste the item afterward.

Basic Procedures

Most operations on files and folders can be executed with the standard contextual menus and shortcuts.

Opening Folders and Programs
  • Double click on an item, or Ctrl / right click and choose open.
  • In List mode , on may also click on the adjacent triangle of a folder – – to open it.
Moving Items from a Folder to Another

To move an items to another folder :

  • drag and drop the item.

  • cut and paste the item in an open folder :

    • choose Edit / Cut / Paste ,
    • press Cmd + x / Cmd + v.
Copying Components
  • Select Edit / Copy / Paste or press Cmd +c  / Cmd+ v .
  • On Mac : Alt drag and drop the item. On WindowsCmd drag and drop the item.
Duplicating Components

To duplicate an item :

  • select Edit / Duplicate / Paste
  • press Cmd + d.
Renaming Files and Folders

Double click on the name or press Enter to edit it .

Click in the window or press Enter again to validate.

Saving Files, Folders and Workspaces

To save an item and its content,

  • select File/ Save
  • press Cmd + s.

When saving a workspace, the dialogue window that opens allows to apply this choice to the whole content of the folder or workspace at once, or to selected items within the workspace.

No "Save As" Option

The "Save as" option is not available for any of the components of a workspace or a workspace itself.

  1. Patch

    A programming unit where objects and functions – boxes – are interconnected to build a musical algorithm, that is, a sequence of instructions. A patch can also be embedded as a box within another patch.

  2. Maquette

    A hybrid of visual program and sequencer, a programming unit provided with a time dimension, where musical material is organized in a time oriented structure.

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