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OM 6.5 – User ManualMaquettes > Maquettes in Patches > Reference Mode > Accessing Boxes
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Accessing TemporalBoxes of a Maquette from a Patch

Accessing TemporalBoxes from a patch is especially necessary for removing them from a maquette, and for manipulating them from outside the maquette.

Temporalboxes Function : Use

The temporalboxes function allows to access and modifiy all the temporal objects contained in a maquette.

To add the temporalboxes function :

  • Cmd click and type "temporalboxes"
  • select Functions / OMKernel / Maquette / Temporalboxes.


  1. Connect the maquette box on "reference" mode to the input of the temporalboxes function.

  2. Connect the output of the temporalboxes function to the program. The boxes contained in the maquette can be manipulated from the patch.

The temporal objects enclosed in the maquette is returned as a TemporalBoxes list when evaluating the function.
The temporal objects enclosed in the maquette is returned as a TemporalBoxes list when evaluating the function.
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