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OM 6.5 – User ManualAudio > Sound Tools
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Sound Tools

A few utility functions related to sound objects are accessible in the Audio/Tools menu.

  • SOUND-DUR : returns the duration of a sound in seconds

  • SOUND-DUR-MS : duration in milliseconds

  • SEC->SAMPLES : converts a duration into a number of samples (depending on the sample rate)

  • etc.


The SOUND-POINTS function allows to downsample the sound waveofrm and extract a number of points out of it.

SOUND-POINTS : downsampling a sound waveform. The sample values are displayed in a BPF (note that the number of decimals in the BPF has to be increased due to the range and precision of the sample values).
SOUND-POINTS : downsampling a sound waveform. The sample values are displayed in a BPF (note that the number of decimals in the BPF has to be increased due to the range and precision of the sample values).
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